Selected Publications
Wang, Y., Borah, P., & Wagner, M. W. (2024). Does the losing side lose the democratic faith? Partisan media flow and democratic values during the 2020 US Presidential election. Political Communication, 1-9.
Su, Y., Luo, C., Borah, P. (2024). Learning about climate change with algorithmic news?: A two-wave panel study examining the role of “News-Finds-Me” perception. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. .
Jordá, B., Goyanes, M., Borah, P., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2024). Social media symbiosis: Understanding the dynamics of online political persuasion in social media ecologies. Journalism.
Borah, P. (2024). Credibility perceptions of information and vaccine intention: The role of collective vs. individual framing messages. Health Communication.
Chen, B., Borah, P., Dahlke, R., & Lukito, J. (2024) The Battle for inbox: Comparing email fundraising strategies of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media.
Kim, J., Zhang, Y., Borah, P. (2024). Second-level agenda setting effects of news media and public policy on social media discourse across platforms: Immigration during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Information, Communication & Society. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2024.2380759
Wang, Y., Kim, S., Shan, L., Sun, Y., Lee, H., Jiang, X., Borah, P., Wagner, M., & Shah, D. (2024) Slant, extremity, and diversity: How the shape of news use explains electoral judgments and confidence. Public Opinion Quarterly.
Borah, P., Irom, B., Lee, Y. Lee, D., Mu, D., Vishnevskaya, A., Yel, E., & Price, R. (2024). VR technology and humanitarian crisis: Political ideology and the intention to donate in the case of the Syrian refugee crisis. New Media & Society.
Li, J., Borah, P., Kang, J., Kim, J., Okada, T., Shen, L., Tao., & Yang, S. (2024). Does news literacy help combat misinformation? The interplay of news literacy, political ideology, and ideological media use on COVID-19 misperceptions. Information, Communication, and Society.
Borah, P., Kim, S. & Lorenzano, K. (2024). Misinformation, risk perceptions, and intention to seek information about masks: A moderated moderated mediation model. Health Communication. 10.1080/10410236.2024.230981
Borah, P., Xiao, X., Vishnevskaya, A. & Su, Y. (2024). Narrative versus statistical messages: The interplay of perceived susceptibility and misperceptions on vaccine intention. Current Psychology. 43(20), 18674-18689
Borah, P., Xiao, X., Cao, X.*, & Vishnevskaya, A. (2024). Information seeking about vaccines: Institutional trust, perceived benefits, and individual vs. collective frames. Communication Quarterly.
Borah, P., Ghosh, S.,* Hwang, J.,* Shah, D., & Brauer, M. (2024). Red media vs. blue media: Social distancing and partisan news media use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Communication. 39(2), 417-427
Borah, P., Lorenzano, K.,Yel, E.*, Austin, E. (2024). Social cognitive theory and willingness to perform recommended health behavior: The moderating role of misperceptions. Journal of Health Communication. 29, (1), 49-60.
Borah, P., & Lorenzano, K. (2023). Who corrects misinformation online? Self-perceived media literacy and the moderating role of reflective judgment. Online Information Review, 48(4), 661-675. DOI 10.1108/OIR-12-2022-0656
Austin, E. W., Borah, P., Austin, B., Smith, C., Amram, O., Domgaard, S.*, McPherson, S. & Willoughby, J. (2024). Media literacy’s role in the mitigation of disinformation effects on substance misuse. Journal of Substance Use. 29 (1), 517-523. 10.1080/14659891.2023.2183150
Su, Y., Fu, H., Zhang, F., Deng, T., Borah, P. (2024). Accidentally Acquired? Examining the conditional indirect effects of social media incidental news exposure on the knowledge of COVID-19. Computers in Human Behavior.
Suk, J., Sun, Y.*, Sun, L.*, Li, M.*, Farias, C.*, Kwon, H.*, Ghosh, S., Borah, P., Mini, D., Correa, T., Garlough, C., Shah, D. (2024). “Think global, act local”: How #MeToo hybridized across borders and platforms for contextual relevance. Information, Communication, & Society, 27(3), 498-519,
Su, M., Suk, J., Borah, P., Ghosh, S., Garlough, C., & Shah, D. (2024). From Weinstein to Kavanaugh: Shifting coverage of sexual violence and the #MeToo Movement across U.S. news media. Communication Monographs. 10.1080/03637751.2023.2282024
Borah, P., Ghosh, S., Suk, J., Mini, D., & Sun, L. (2023). Feminism not for all? The discourse around white feminism across five social media platforms. Social Media + Society. 9(3), 1-22. 10.1177/20563051231186862
Xiao, X., Borah, P., Lee, D*, Kim, S. (2023). A story is better told with collective interests: An experimental examination of misinformation correction during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Health Promotion. 10.1177/08901171231184075
Lorenzano, K., Moon, S., & Borah, P. (2023). Partisan selective exposure and politically polarized attitudes towards disruptive protest. Communication and the Public.
Goyanes, M., Borah, P., & Gil de Zúñiga, H., (2023). Political conversations and regret: A qualitative evaluation on the aftermath of political discussions in social media. International Journal of Information and Communication.
Lukito, J., Gursky, J., Foley, J., Yang, Y., Joseff, K., & Borah, P. (2023). No reason [.] it should happen here”: Understanding Flynn’s retroactive doublespeak during a QAnon event. Political Communication, 40 (5), 576-595.
Borah, P., Austin, E., & Su, Y*. (2023). Injecting disinfectants to kill the virus: The role of literacy, information gathering sources, credibility perceptions, and political ideology on misinformation perceptions about COVID-19. Mass Communication and Society. 26(4), 566-592.
Borah, P., Ghosh, S.,* Hwang, J.,* Shah, D., & Brauer, M. (2023). Red media vs. blue media: Social distancing and partisan news media use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Communication.
Irom, B., Borah, P., & Gibbons, S*. (2023). The Rohingya refugee crisis: A social semiotic study of visuals in The New York Times and The Washington Post. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/10776990221132559
Himelboim, I., Borah, P., Lee, D.,* Lee, J.,* Su, Y.,* Xiao, X., & Vishnevskaya, A.* (2023). What do 5G networks, Bill Gates, Agenda 21, and QAnon have in common? Sources, distribution, and characteristics. New Media and Society.
Lee, D.,* Xiao, X., & Borah, P. (2023) Antecedents of privacy concern: The examination of “self” and “others” on Facebook. Atlantic Journal of Communication.
Hwang, J., Borah, P., Choi, J.,* & Ghosh, S.* (2022). Understanding CDC’s vaccine communication during the COVID-19 pandemic and its effectiveness in promoting positive attitudes toward the COVID-19 vaccine. Journal of Health Communication. 10.1080/10810730.2022.2149968
Borah, P., Kim, S., & Hsu, Y.* (2022). “Masks don’t work”: COVID-19 misperceptions and theory-driven corrective strategies on Facebook. Online Information Review.
Austin, E. W., Austin, B. W., Borah, P., Domgaard, S*., & McPherson, S. M. (2022). How media literacy, trust of experts and flu vaccine behaviors associated with COVID-19 vaccine intentions. American Journal of Health Promotion. 10.1177/08901171221132750
Marcos-Marne, H., Gil de Zúñiga, H. & Borah, P., (2022). What do we (not) know about demand-side populism? A systematic literature review on populist attitudes. European Political Science.
Borah, P., Austin, E. W., & Lee, D.* (2022). COVID-19 vaccine intention and social cognitive theory: The role of individual responsibility and partisan media use in a moderated moderated mediation model. Health Communication.
Borah, P. (2022). The moderating role of political ideology: Media locus of control, need for cognition, misinformation efficacy and misperceptions about COVID-19. International Journal of Communication. 16, 3534–3559.
Borah, P., & Hwang, J*. (2022). Trust in doctors, positive attitudes, and H1N1 vaccination behavior: The role of doctor-patient communication. Health Communication.
Hwang, J*., & Borah, P. (2022). Anxiety disorder and smoking behavior: The moderating ef-fects of entertainment and informational television viewing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Irom, B., Borah, P., & Gibbons, S*. (2022). Visual framing of the Rohingya refugees: A comparative examination from newspapers in four countries. Visual Communication Quarterly.
Borah, P., Lorenzano, K., Vishnevskaya, A*. & Austin, E. (2022). Conservative media use and Covid-19 related behavior: The moderating role of media literacy variables. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Su, Y.*, Borah, P. Xiao, X. (2022). Understanding the “Infodemic”: Social media news use, homogeneous online discussion, self-perceived media literacy, and misperceptions about COVID-19. Online Information Review.
Borah, P., Keib, K., Trude, B*., Binford, M*., Irom, B. & Himelboim, I., (2022). “You are a disgrace and traitor to our country”: Uncivil rhetoric against the ‘squad’ on Twitter. Internet Research.
Borah, P. (2022). Message framing and COVID-19 vaccination intention: Moderating roles of partisan media use and pre-attitudes about vaccination. Current Psychology.
Borah, P., Xiao, X., & Lee, D.*(2022). Narrative messages, information seeking and COVID-19 vaccine intention: The moderating role of perceived behavioral control. American Journal of Health Promotion. 36(6), 923-933.
Borah, P., Su, Y., Xiao, X., & Lee, D.*(2022). Incidental news exposure and COVID-19 misperceptions: A moderated-mediation model. Computers in Human Behavior.
Borah, P., & Irom, B. (2022). To donate or not to donate: Visual framing of the Rohingya refugees, pre-support for refugee policies, and donation intentions. Journal of Refugee Studies.
Irom, B. Borah, P. & Vishnevskaya, A*. & Gibbons, S*. (2022). News framing of the Rohingya Crisis: Content analysis of newspaper coverage from four countries. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies.
Borah, P., Kim, S. Xiao, X*., & Lee, D*. (2022). Correcting misinformation using theory-driven messages: HPV vaccine misperceptions, information seeking, and the moderating role of reflection. Atlantic Journal of Communication.
Borah, P., Barnidge, M. & Rojas, H. (2022). The contexts of political participation: The communication mediation model under varying structural conditions of the public sphere. The International Journal of Press and Politics. doi: 10.1177/19401612211029466
Su, Y.,* Xiao, X., Borah, P., & Hong, X., & Sun, C. (2022). Consumptive news feed curation on social media: A moderated mediation model of news interest, affordance utilization, and friending. International Journal of Communication. 16, 3961-3987
Ghosh, S.,* Su, M. *, Aman, A. *, Suk., J. *,Tong, C. *, T., Kamath, K., Hills, O., Garlough, C., Borah, P. & Shah, D. (2022). Covering #MeToo across the news spectrum: Political accusation and public events as drivers of press attention. The International Journal of Press/Politics.
Hwang, J.*, Borah, P., Shah, D. & Markus, B. (2021). The relationship among COVID-19 information seeking, news media use, and emotional distress at the onset of the pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(24), 13198;
Huber, B., Borah, P., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2021). Taking corrective action when exposed to fake news: The role of fake news literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education.
Borah, P., Hwang, J.,* & Hsu, Y.* (2021). COVID-19 vaccination attitudes and intention: Message framing and the moderating role of perceived vaccine benefits. Journal of Health Communication.
Borah, P. Irom, B., Hsu, L.* (2021). “It infuriates me”: Examining young adults’ reactions to and recommendations to fight misinformation about COVID-19. Journal of Youth Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2021.1965108
Amram, O., Borah, P., Kubsad, D., & McPherson, S. (2021). Media exposure and substance use increase during COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Xiao, X.*, Lee, D*.,Wong., R*. & Borah, P. (2021). The impact of theory in HPV vaccination promotion research: A meta-analysis and systematic review. American Journal of Health Promotion.
Borah, P. (2021). Framing, emotion, and heterogeneity: Framing effects in Twitter in the case of an alt-right rally. Online Information Review.
Gil de Zuniga, H., Borah, P., Goyanes., M. (2021). How do people learn about politics when inadvertently exposed to news? Incidental news paradoxical direct and indirect effects on political knowledge. Computers in Human Behavior.
Austin, E., Borah, P., & Domgaard, S*. (2021). A media literacy-based approach to promote political engagement among communities of color in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review, 1(7).
Goyanes, M., Borah, P., Gil de Zúñiga, H., (2021). Social media filtering and democracy: Effects of social media news use and uncivil political discussions on social media unfriending. Computers in Human Behavior.
Xiao, X.,* Borah, P., & Su, Y*. (2021). The dangers of blind trust: Examining the interplay among social media news use, misinformation identification, and trust on conspiracy beliefs. Public Understanding of Science.
Su, Y.,* & Borah, P. (2021). Framing overseas Chinese students: A comparative analysis of newspaper coverage in Mainland China, US, and Hong Kong. 83(2), 126-147. International Communication Gazette.
Su, Y.,* Lee, D.,*& Borah, P. (2021). The conditional indirect effects of political social media information seeking and expression on government evaluation in Hong Kong: Revisiting the communication mediation model. International Journal of Communication. 15, 23, 277–299.
Cooper, B., Hill, L., Haggerty, K., Skinner, M., Bumpus, M., Borah, P., Casey-Goldstein, M. & Catalano, R. (2020). Investigating the efficacy of a self-directed parenting intervention to reduce risky behaviors among college students: Study protocol for a multi-arm hybrid type 2 randomized control trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.
Xiao, X.,* & Borah, P. (2020). Do norms matter? Examining norm-based messages in HPV vaccination promotion. Health Communication.
Lee, D.,* & Borah, P. (2020). Self-presentation on Instagram and friendship development among young adults: A moderated mediation model of media richness, perceived functionality, and openness. Computers in Human Behavior.
Himelboim, I., Xiao, X.,* & Lee, D,* Wang, Y.*, . & Borah, P. (2020). A social networks approach to understanding vaccine conversations on Twitter: Network clusters, sentiment, and certainty in HPV social networks. Health Communication.
Su, Y.,* & Borah, P. (2019). Who is the agenda setter? Examining the Intermedia Agenda Setting Effect between Twitter and Newspapers on Climate Change. Journal of Information Technology and Politics.
Lorenzano, K.*, Sari, M.*, Storm, C.*, Rhodes, S.*, & Borah, P. (2018). Challenges for an SNS-based public sphere in 2016. Online Information Review.
Borah, P., & Xiao, X*. (2018). The importance of “likes”: The interplay of message framing, source, and social endorsement on credibility perceptions of health information on Facebook. Journal of Health Communication.
Borah, P., Fowler, E, Ridout, T. (2018). Television vs. YouTube: Political advertising in the 2012 presidential elections. Journal of Information Technology and Politics.
Borah, P. (2018). Competitive frames and accuracy motivations: Testing the role of ambivalence in value framing effects. Journal of
Media Psychology.
Borah, P. (2017). Emerging communication technology research: Theoretical and methodological variables in the last 16 years and future directions. New Media & Society. 19(4), 616-636,
Borah, P. (2016 ). Political Facebook use: Campaign strategies used in 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 13 (4), 326-338.
Borah, P., Thorson, K. & Hwang, H.(2015). Causes and consequences of selective exposure among political blog readers: The role of hostile media perception in motivated media use and expressive participation. Journal of Information Technology and Politics.
Borah, P. (2015). Blog credibility: examining the influence of author information and blog “reach”. Atlantic Journal of Communication. 23(5), 298-313,
Ridout, T., Fowler, E, Branstetter, J. & Borah P. (2015). Politics as usual? When and why traditional actors often dominate YouTube campaigning. Journal of Information Technology and Politics.12(3), 237-251,
Borah, P. (2014). The hyperlinked world: A look at how the interactions of news frames and hyperlinks influence news credibility and willingness to seek information. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.19 (3), 576-590.
Borah P. (2014). Does it matter where you read the news stories? Interaction of incivility and news frames in the political blogosphere. Communication Research. 41(6), 809-827.
Bode, L., Vraga, E., Borah, P., & Shah, D. (2014). A new space for political behavior: Political social networking and its democratic consequences. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 19 (3), 414-429. doi:10.1111/jcc4.12048
Borah P. (2013). Interactions of news frames and incivility in the political blogosphere: Examining perceptual outcomes. Political Communication, 30, 456–473.
Borah, P., Edgerly, S., Vraga, E., & Shah, D. (2013). Hearing and talking to the other side: Antecedents of cross-cutting exposure in adolescents. Mass Communication and Society, 16 (3), 391-416.
Borah, P. (2011). Conceptual issues in framing: A systematic examination of a decade’s literature. Journal of Communication, 61(2), 246-263. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2011.01539.x
Borah P. (2011). Seeking more information and conversations: Influence of competitive frames and motivated processing. Communication Research, 38 (3), 303-325.
Thorson, K., Ekdale, B., Borah P., Namkoong, K., Shah, C. (2010). YouTube and Proposition 8:A case study in video activism. Information, Communication & Society, 13 (3), 325-349.
Bulla, D., & Borah, P. (2009). The glass ceiling in Indian newsrooms. International Journal of Communication, 19 (1), 105-125.
Borah, P. (2009). Comparing visual framing in newspapers: Hurricane Katrina versus Tsunami. Newspaper Research Journal, 30(1), 50-57.
Borah, P. (2008). Examining media content: A case study of newspaper coverage of dowry in India. Asian Journal of Communication, 18(4), 379-395.
Niederdeppe, J., Bu, L., Borah, P., Kindig, D., & Robert, S. (2008). Message design strategies to raise public awareness about social determinants of health and population health disparities. The Milbank Quarterly, 86(3), 481-513.
Refereed Book Chapters
Borah, P. & Shah, D. (2016). The origins of media perceptions: Judgments of news accuracy and bias among adolescents. In Esther, Thorson, Mitchell McKinney, & Dhavan Shah (Eds), Political Socialization in a Media Saturated World. Peter Lang Press.
Borah, P. (2014). Facebook use in the 2012 Presidential campaign: Obama vs. Romney. In Bogdan Patrut (Eds), Social Media in Politics: Case studies (2008-2013). New York, NY: Springer Science +Business Media, LLC.
Borah, P. (2014). Interaction of incivility and news frames in the political blogosphere: Consequences and psychological mechanisms. In Jonathan Bishop and Ashu M. Solo (Eds.) Politics in the Information Age. IGI Global.
Invited Book Chapters
Borah, P. & Neumann, R.* (2023). Of tweets and frames: Media coverage of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. In Patricia Moy (ed), Political Communication, Culture, & Society, Routledge.
Borah, P. (2018). News framing within the contemporary media landscape: Where we’ve been and where we’re going. In Paul D’Angelo (ed), Doing News Framing Analysis 2: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives, Routledge.
Borah, P. (2016). Framing in American Political Campaigns. In William Benoit (ed), The Praeger Handbook of Political Campaigning in the United States. Praeger.
Invited Encyclopedia Entries
Borah, P. & Su, Y.* (2022). Agenda-setting research in the age of social media. In Andrea Caron (ed) Encyclopedia of Technology and Politics, pp 2-5, Edward Elgar Publishing LTD.
Borah, P. (2015). Media effects theory: Framing effects, agenda setting and priming. International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118541555
Public Scholarship
Borah, P. (2020). Trump’s poor relationship with the media has made the US Covid-19 outbreak worse. USAPP (U.S. American Politics and Policy), London School of Economics (LSE) U.S. Center.
McPherson, S., Austin, E. & Borah, P. (2020). Why scientists and public health officials need to address vaccine mistrust instead of dismissing it. The Conversation.
Austin, E., & Borah, P. (2020). Here’s how to talk to vaccine skeptics so they might actually hear you. The Conversation.
Borah P. (2017). Despite Trump’s adversarial relationship with the media, he needs them, and they need him. USAPP (U.S. American Politics and Policy), London School of Economics (LSE) U.S. Center.
Note: Asterisk (*) indicates student author at the time the research was conducted